OSW 2011

Memories from the Santa Clara Meet

The Trading Hall
Boy, can I make you a deal!

I saw it first!

There are always some interesting ideas to be found.


Layouts in the Trading Hall

A neat structure for along the wall


The Super Chief

You don't need much space for an industry


The S scalers have been a welcome addition to the meet for several years.



The layout area of the hall

Lighted Markers


There were two On30 modular layouts. This one and the Yosemite Timber Company. The pictures are from both because I did not keep track of which was which.

I know this is from the Yosemite Module.


A long string of logging disconnects at the mill wait to be returned to the woods.

The children are at the edge of a cliff!

Great modeling speaks for itself.

Home Layouts

These are few pictures of layouts visited but I did not take enough for a separate page like Rod and Gary. Two were outstanding HO pikes and the third a wonderful logging line.

Jim D models the Western Pacific. His double deck layout sports fine scenery and great running trains.

A freight arriving at Keddie depot on the WP.


Can you tell where the scenery ends and the backdrop begins? That's a WP mallet coming through town.

Jack B models the Yosemite Valley. This is an interlocking plant on his layout.

This incline on the YV was built at half the slope of the prototype to fit the room's vertical space.

The engine terminal on the YV. It is a really beautiful layout.

Chris H models the Clear Creek Lumber Company in Northern Calif. The line is point-to-point from woods to mill. At the mill there is an interchange with the SP.

This was one of my favorite scenes on the O scale layout.

Chris advises that the logs were harvested from his back yard.


These tank engines were scratch built.

The Gang

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